Thursday, January 21, 2010

unseen beauty

I find that some of the most beautiful things in the world are flawed. I can't put a finger on it but I find them better then a perfect creation. People can be made perfect in todays world and I'm happy to find a few beautifully imperfect people. I can't help the way I feel.

I see you for you. You may never see this unless i let you. People act differently around you because of your imperfections, I barely see them. I know you aren't defined by what you are but who you are. I'm blessed to know you. I can barely think of you without being happy. I dont know what to say sometimes, and I'm not one to be at a loss for words. You turned my world on it's side. I didn't plan on you changing me like this. I don't know what the future holds I just know I want you to be in it, even if its just as my best friend.

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