Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Lost in Translation

Lost in Translastion is maybe one of the worst movies I have ever seen. But the title is one that can discribe everyday living. I think that during the day we can be lost in translation. At times we all lose the meaning of the message being sent. I think that sometimes the very people who can send a confusing message can be the very people that should care the most about us.
Friends are a confusing matter. I think if the people I care most about and they are my friends. I feel like in the past year I have put my heart out in more than one way. First with my friends. I came to a point after high school where I grew away from my friends from high school very quickly. It was almost as if they were then and then they were gone within a few days. One friend was someone who knew me in a way that most people didn't. Then things were lost in translation and things went sour. This is not something that's different now. Only it's not the end of a friendship it just changes things.
Relationships suck. and talking about things with a person you are dating is sometimes where things get lost. who you are, who you want to be, and hopes and dreams. It seems like we try sometimes to have things get lost in translation so we can hide who we really are. I have had that happen to recently.
So here's to not being lost in translation...

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