Friday, September 11, 2009

College Age Lessons

In college we are told to find who we are and make memories. But the ironic thing is we become who we think people want us to be. We become the party animal, the good girl, the sex addict, and the list goes on. But I find that most of the time that the person we are really is not who we act like. We want to make friends so we become the thing that makes friends. Here in athens, most of the time that is the party animal. Then we come to the make memories part of college. And the problem to me is that if you party and drink all the time you are less likely to remember what you did. I was driving back from campus the other day and I just thought that people, often times girls, drink and do thing that they wouldn't have done if that weren't drinking. Then a cycle begins you drink and then you sleep with a guy and then you end up drinking to forget what happend. College is a place to find yourself but then it can be just as easy to lose yourself. Make friends that care about you for you and date people who love you the way you are.